- 2024.08.09
「NoMaps 2024」が開催されます
2024.08.09 - 2024.07.25
2024年 夏季休暇のお知らせ
2024.07.25 - 2024.04.08
2024年度 新入社員の入社式を執り行いました
2024.04.08 - 2024.04.05
Since its establishment in 1928,
KYOYA has been creating mannequins and installation art pieces,
including special sculptural works utilizing exquisite Japanese craftsmanship.
Today, it has expanded from mannequin dressings to VMD production,
and spatial design including construction, distribution and supervision,
to enhance the value of the experience.
Shape the Creation
KYOYA will shape your creations and create new mise-en-scene.